Fine Arts
At GPLS, we offer a variety of fine arts programs.
Thespian Society
Following last fall's Wizard of Oz, the GPLS Thespian Society is currently rehearsing for Little Women. Come join us this December for our first play of the school year. Tickets will be on sale soon.
Private Music Lessons
We offer private music lessons for piano, guitar, and stringed instruments. If you are interested in taking lessons, please contact the front office.
Schola Cantorum
Schola Cantorum is our by-audition vocal group of fourth through tenth graders. Auditions for Schola Cantorum are held at the beginning of the school year and midyear. You can hear them perform at our Christmas Cantata, Spring Jubilee, and other events.
Our orchestra program is open to GPLS or non-GPLS students that are interested in joining. If you are interested in joining, please contact the front office.
Voces Bellus
Voces Bellus is Gulf Pointe's upper school vocal invite chorus. This group consists of some of the school's best voices. You can hear them perform at our Christmas Cantata, Spring Jubilee, and various other events.
Bucket Drums
Bucket Drums is an after school program that fourth through eighth grade students audition for at the beginning of the school year. This program allows our students to grow as musicians in a fun and creative manner.
Art Studio
We offer an art program to all students in first grade and above. Parents may enroll their child in art studio through the annual student survey. Come and look at a selection of their creations at our Spring Music & Art Festival.
We offer ballet and tap after school for boys and girls in preschool through sixth grade. Dance students have an annual spring recital.
We offer woodshop to students fourth grade and above. Woodshop allows students to express themselves in a creative and unique way, while gaining valuable life skills.
Speech and Debate
Veritas Omnia Vincit - Truth Conquers All
We compete in Incubate Debate’s northwest region; tournaments are nonpartisan with the
intention of educating and exposing students to all sides on issues of national importance. The goal of speech and debate is to improve the rhetoric skills of each student so that they are capable, logical, and courageous speakers.